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Life Transitions
Change can be overwhelming, difficult, and scary. With a little support, you can feel more confident, resilient, and ready to tackle whatever comes your way.
Are you struggling to navigate a major life transition? Do any of these sound familiar?
Life is inherently filled with all sorts of twists and turns, and at times, we find ourselves facing significant transitions that might be both exciting and also completely overwhelming. Major changes and stressors can trigger heightened stress, anxiety, and depression, or may leave us feeling alone or almost paralyzed and not sure where or who on earth to turn to next. It might be a career shift, starting or graduating from college, the end of a relationship, moving to a new city, getting married, the list of possibilities is endless, but what we do know is that significant life transitions can stir up a wide range of emotions, uncertainties, and insecurities.
Why might someone going through life transitions in New York City seek therapy?
You may also be in a place in life where you are just not sure what you feel or what you want for your present and future, and having a safe, supportive, encouraging space to explore these questions and possibilities and to learn how to effectively cope with the roller coaster can really help. Sometimes when things get extra bumpy and we feel vulnerable, we tend to focus on the negative and the resources, strengths, and past successes that we have somehow disappear into the distance. Major life transitions may require us to reevaluate our identity, move through a grieving process as we say good-bye to certain aspects of the life, role, or comfort of familiarity that was. The heightened stress we feel inside ourselves may seep outside and put a strain on our relationships, making it challenging to maintain important connections.
Change can be hard and overwhelming… How can therapy help you?
Our therapists are here to support you in processing and better understanding your feelings, fears, and hopes related to the life transition, in a compassionate, non-judgmental space. Transitions often prompt self-reflection and a reevaluation of personal values and goals, and counseling can greatly aid in this complex, challenging process. We can work with you to develop tools to cope with all these emotions more effectively, in a way that works for you, and leaves you feeling empowered and better equipped to tackle whatever lies ahead. We may also incorporate various stress-reduction techniques or mindfulness exercises to help with the stress and anxiety that has been triggered as a result of all the change.
Our therapists at MPS in New York City that specialize in life transitions:
Elana, Kristen, Lara, Noa and Yael
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